
Showing posts from August, 2023

Top 10 most common types of cyber attacks.

  We have seen some of the common cyber attacks that are affecting businesses worldwide. We have also explored what cyberattacks are and how they can differ depending on the cyberattacker and their motivations and intentions. What is a cyber attack and how it works? A cyber attack is an attempt to intentionally steal, alter or destroy data sensitive to a business. It’s carried out with an intention that can either be monetary or political. It can also be for a cause. Many cyber attackers are hacktivists who do cyber attacks to raise awareness for societal or political reasons. The nature and gravity of a cyber attack is dependent on the nature and cause of a cyber attacker. For example, while some cyber criminals may spend a lot of time on an attack targeting a big business, others may spend considerably less time targeting a small business. Others may target government or social institutions for the cause of political agenda or social or environmental cause. Now let us explore som...
What is NESA Compliance ? National Electronic Security Authority (NESA), is a UAE federal authority responsible for the cybersecurity of the United Arab Emirates. With an aim to improve national cybersecurity, NESA developed Information Assurance (IA) Standards across UAE. The standard was set to establish a minimum level of security in organizations that support critical national services across all sectors. The primary objective of the NESA Standard is to define a stringent national Cyber Security Strategy that enables advancement in cybersecurity and increases awareness of Cyber Security within the UAE. How SharkStriker Help You with NESA Compliance Services? We possess some of the best in cybersecurity in terms of tools, resources, and experts with extensive industry experience. We conduct a top to bottom assessment of the entire organization and look for gaps in NESA compliance and prepare a report along with the measures and policies that are to be implemented. The risks ...